Monday, February 7, 2011

So maybe it's time I blogged

Many people I know blog. I have never really understood why, what the point was etc. Then I thought, I have all these things I'd like to write about mainly what I'm going through in life at the moment and geez wouldn't it be good to get it all out there.

Alex starts his special program at Southern Autistic School this Wednesday, so I'm going to find myself with something that's been completely foreign to me for the last nearly 4 years: Free time. I haven't figured out exactly what I'm going to do with this free time yet, it's not quite enough free time to return to the workforce, but that doesn't mean I can't achieve anything. This blog is just one new project I'm experimenting with.

I will be using it to get out what I'm thinking, I'm hoping for it to be meaningful, not mindless, but tackle both large and small issues.You may find that I might soapbox a little, especially about Autism, but there are so many misconceptions, generalisations and ignorance out there that I honestly feel that people need to be taught what Autism is,and that no two Autistic children are ever the same.

Enjoy my blog, or not....

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