Sunday, June 30, 2013

Where's Wally?

Where have I been? Buried underneath two kids, house work, life stress and starting a business.

What? Two kids you say? Yes, we have a 16 month old as well as a 6 year old. Our eldest has a younger brother who has been terrorising our household for the past 16 months. Only kidding, he's a delight, but he sure keeps us on our toes.

Our 6 year old has taken on the role of big brother fairly well, I mean he hasn't really tried to kill his brother yet, so that's awesome news and it's had some unexpected good perks such as his extreme obsession with being a big boy which has now resulted in him fully dressing and undressing himself without assistance (even if he does walk around for hours on end with his pants on back the front, undies on sideways and the shoes on wrong feet) and full day time, and recently night time toileting. He hasn't adapted to sharing as well as I would have liked and he has developed an unquenchable thirst for competition. He has to be first at the kitchen table for meals, first dressed, first in the bath and the list goes on. This has become more than tiresome but it seems no matter how much we talk about it and try and teach him he doesn't have to be first, he still insists and will get upset if his brother does something first. I've even heard reports from his teachers at school that he gets upset if another student lines up for class before him.

I'm attempting to be 'more than just Mum' and I've started my own Tupperware business which has been a bit of fun and adventure, but it's allowed me to earn some money and get away from the kids.

DS, 6 is progressing well and we are discussing mainstream transitioning this year with his teachers, mind you, they're all being pretty shocking slackers about organising it! DS16m is developing well, he's showing stacks of NT signs and has had a cursory ASD check at 12 months which he passed. We will get him rechecked at 18 months, and again at 2 to be sure though, as some signs aren't noticeable until after 18 months.

So we're happy with our little family, as they say 'Two's company, three's a crowd"and we're just going to keep on truckin' doing our thing. Stay tuned!

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