One small step for my little man and one giant leap into the future with my son on anti seizure medication.
I have to say I love the fact that we have a confident and knowledgable neurologist, Alex loved him too. I think he spent more time drawing parallel and serial circuits with Alex then he did talking to us. Not actually though, just seemingly because I was quietly sitting there both stunned and freaking out at the same time. Last August when we saw the same neurologist it seemed it took the entire appointment to twist his arm on an epilepsy diagnosis where as this time, I spent barely 2 minutes explaining how bad things had been lately and BAM! Medication.
I'm still trying to digest it all. Trying to stomach the fact of the swift and sudden changes Alex's seizures have taken. To deal with the utter fear when he walked off the grounds at school and walked off in a car park with me. To accept that medication is absolutely the best answer, but to have to face the reality that my 8 year old son actually needs anti seizure medication.
Week 1
No change - Blogspot ate my post.
Week 2
Mister is now on twice daily doses and still no improvement. I meet with his teacher next Friday to discuss if she's seen any change in the classroom. So far from brief discussions when I've seen her, there's been no change at school either. Next Tuesday we see the paediatrician, again, I will be attempting to push for an MRI as futile as my attempts so far have been, maybe if I ask enough, eventually someone will say yes.
Sorry for the short post this week, I am mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted.